The Connection Is You.

What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability, typically appearing during childhood and affecting a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others.

Local Impact

1 in 36 or 2.7% of 8-year-old children in an area of Arizona were identified with ASD by Arizona Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (ADDSP).

Navigating Autism Program

We listen to you and offer customized resources including what to do after an autism diagnosis, therapy options, legal considerations, adult resources, IEP’s, providers, and more.



ALL In Person groups will now be held at our new center at 

2302 E Speedway Blvd Suite 112, Tucson AZ 85712

Join Our Community
We have free programs for all age groups in the Autistic community:

Upcoming Events:

Monthly Groups:

For Adults 

Our Virtual Adult Social Club will meet through Zoom on the FIRST Friday of every month from 6 – 8 pm. You can register for the Adult Social Club here.

Adult Social Club meets in person on the 3rd Friday of the month from 6pm to 8pm. Please register for this group here.

Our Adult Diagnosed Group will be meeting on the FIRST Saturday of each month from 10 am to 11 am. This group is for those who were diagnosed or exploring their Autistic identity as an adult. This group is for 18 years old and older. For more information click here.

For Teens & Tweens

Our Teen Meet Up at Playformance  are on hold for the summer and will resume in August.  On the 2nd Friday of each month from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. If you would like to learn more about this program or would like to register, click here.

Teen & Tween Gaming Group meets the 3rd Tuesday at 6pm. 

For Younger Kids

Our Littles’ Meet Up (9 & Under) Meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 4pm. For more information go here. 

For Parents & Caregivers

Our Virtual Parent Peer Support Group will meet on Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday from 6 pm to 7 pm. Zoom link

In Person Parent Peer Support group meets monthly. The group will meet in person on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6 pm.

Register to get reminder emails here.

Father Peer Support Group meet monthly on the 3rd Thursday of the month. This group meets virtually on Zoom.

For more information go here

Are You All In for Autism?

Learn how your business or organization can partner with us to improve the lives of those affected by autism. Benefits include media exposure, support, and training for your staff.

Girl at Autism Society event

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Subscribe to our Newsletter

Words From Our Families

Hear what our families have shared with us about their experiences.

  • “My daughter and I get a lot of help from your events and programs and my daughter really appreciated meeting people and kids like her who have non verbal autism and she is not judged and she can be herself and I am happy I am not alone and have a support group.”

  • “The Autism Society has been incredibly helpful to our family. They helped connect my family to community resources. And I have participated in multiple educational events they held for families. During the holidays they gave families free passes to a holiday event in Old Tucson and my son had a blast thanks to them. Truthfully, they helped give our family beautiful memories and provided us information on Autism that assisted our family in the process of building a brighter future for our son.”

    R. Coco
  • Thanks for giving me a starting point with my son. It’s been a long journey with wrong diagnoses along the way. As parents 25-30 years ago there weren’t the resources needed nor the understanding of what people were going through with this affliction. It continues to be a journey and we appreciate folks like yourself that are there to support parents and individuals through this odyssey. Kudos.

    Bob C.
  • Thanks for all your help.It’s been a rather difficult route trying to navigate all of this.  It’s wonderful there’s an organization here in Arizona dedicated to helping those of us with these symptoms. I really appreciate your help and dedication.

    Donald P.
  • Once you enter their doors, you instantly become part of a family that will always be there for you and most importantly your child. Thank you Autism Society of Southern Arizona for being a part of our family. We are so grateful for the opportunities you give to our daughter! “

    Thank You to Our Sustaining and Community Partners