Adult Social Club

This group provides an opportunity for adults with ASD to engage with one another and “hangout”. The group is facilitated by our partners at Workability and is a safe space for creating friendship and community.

Mission: To provide a welcoming environment for adults with ASD to connect with peers, build community, practice socialization skills, and discuss adult-related topics. 

Population Served: Adults with ASD 18 years and up

Number of Individuals Served: 20 – 25 and it varies monthly

The Adult Social Club meets twice a month and you are welcome to attend both or one, whichever is best for you. 

Virtual Social Club is on the 1st Friday of the month from 6pm to 8pm.

Zoom Link:

In-Person Social Club is on the 3rd Friday of the month from 6pm to 8pm.  

NEW LOCATION: 2302 E Speedway Blvd, Suite 112, Tucson, Az 85719

How to Join: If you have questions email [email protected].

To receive updates and the Zoom link, please complete the form below, and you will be sent the link prior to the meeting. Registration is not automatic, use the link above if you do not get the email. 

Please check Facebook and ASSA events page for additional information or cancellations.

Social Club game