Únase a una red de apoyo virtual de padres que tienen hijos con un diagnóstico de autismo para obtener recursos, conocimientos y adquirir nuevas habilidades para convertirse en padres empoderados. ¿Usted sabía que el 46% de los niños, que cursan la secundaria y la preparatoria, han reportado haber sido acosados? Con Rosario aprenderemos a cómo […]
The Playformance Teen meetups are an opportunity for tweens/teens with autism to connect with their peers and stay active while at home. The meetup is facilitated by Coach Kevin from Playformance. Parents are welcome to watch or take a breather. Our goal is to facilitate activities and social experiences for youth with special needs while […]
The Adult Social Club meets virtually on the third Friday of the month. This group provides an opportunity for adults with ASD to engage with one another and “hangout” virtually. The group is facilitated by our partners at Workability and is a safe space for creating friendship and community. Mission: To provide a welcoming environment […]
For many parents of children on the autism spectrum, life can seem very different and distant from the experiences of many other families and it can be possible to feel that there is no way that they can ask for or expect other people to understand their experiences. This group is led by parents and […]
Join a virtual support network of parents who have children with an autism diagnosis to obtain resources, knowledge, and acquire new skills to become Empowered Parents. On Tuesday, November 23rd at 6 pm join Rosario to learn about how to identify bullying in your child and what to do next. Link to register: as-az.org/empower-hour-2/